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Should I appeal? Or give up?

Luís Gustavo Rampazo 

Joined in October 2014
Posts: 17
Posted 2 February 2016 - 13:25 CET

Hello friends! =) I never appealed from a rejection, so I thought it is better to make an open query here in the forum before taking the editors’ time. Well… what captivates me in this image is the mixture of the greenish glow of the tower dome glass amid the golden tones coming from the first rays of light at dawn.

(just to contextualize, unfortunately I only use Lightroom, I still don’t have Photoshop...) In my 1st try, by reading the screener’s review (01/27/2016, 21:42:59 CET – Second opinion Incorrect exposure - Too light, midtones need elevation) I recognized that the overall picture was really dark and I tried to brighten it. After the changes, in my 2nd attempt I believe I still had things to improve, according to the comments of screeners (01/30/2016, 08:32:28 CET – Incorrect exposure - too dark. Luis, please look at the histogram and you will notice that on the right side you have plenty of space to improve the exposure). I made some corrections and move on to the 3rd attempt (the attached image below), continuing to explain my intentions (31.1.2016, 02:07:34 CET – Following the review of screeners to improve the right side of the histogram, but still trying to express that feeling of "first lights of the day"), but it seems that the overall result is still too dark (01/02/2016, 18:59:15 CET – Incorrect exposure - Too dark, main object is not sharp /// 02.01.2016, 19:40:44 CET – I agree with first screener. Yellow cast is too strong).

I have two questions: ( #1 ) My main focus has always been the tower, so that I always uploaded the image in the category "Airport Overview / Overall View" and not by the foreground aircraft prefix (i.e., I knew the foreground aircraft would never be sharp - and, besides, in every single night an ATR "sleeps" in this position). So, it would be wrong to focus on the tower instead of the aircraft? And in this case, (focus on the tower) the aircraft would be the cause of “front cluttering”? ( #2 ) The overview that I always intended to capture is precisely this, a bit dark, representing the first moments of the morning with their characteristic warm tones (yellowish brightness and golden reflections in the metal and glass). Is it wrong try to capture this? In the end, the only way out is to brighten the image even further? Because I think if I do so, I believe that I'll lose all this "feeling of dawn" that I’m trying to represent.

Well, my friends, I'll really appreciate your opinion: is it worth to appeal from this image? Or should I elevate the shadows and midtones (IMO, deteriorating it) even more? Or should I quit from it? Thank you very much for the attention! This website is simply amazing (the best!) and I learn more and more with each upload! ;)

Attached photos:

Igor Kmet 

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Joined in September 2013
Posts: 99
Posted 2 February 2016 - 20:04 CET

N1 IMO such big object in foreground should be sharp even if "Airport Overview" was choosen. Try to focus MANUALY somewhere in the midle betwen tower and plane and chose such big F that both object will be in DOF. Use DOF calculator in advance to be successfull.

N2 difficult answer :-) . I would postpone processing of this picture and will look at it in the future. I found this method very usefull. Our photos are like our kids : We love them, we like them but sometimes ( or often ) do not see their mistakes . This ofset help me to look at pictrure " with fresh eyes " and reprocess it in other, better way. Igor

Luís Gustavo Rampazo 

Joined in October 2014
Posts: 17
Posted 3 February 2016 - 00:27 CET

Thank you very much, Igor, by your comments! =) Actually, I recognize that I should be more patient at that spot where I took the photo, which is nothing more than a little and tremulous tree where is very hard to be on top (in order to avoid the perimeter fence of the airport). This "patience" would help me to choose the better light conditions (hope to find the sky open in more opportunities in the future - unfortunately, we are facing a lot of rainy days here lately...). And I also agree with a minor F to help me focusing in a wider way. You bet that I'll have this questions in mind the next time I'll climb that tree! =D My kind regards! Luís.

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