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Help: Aeroflot - Russia - Air Force?

Wallace Shackleton 

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Joined in February 2007
Posts: 1897
Posted 30 April 2012 - 17:16 CET

We have a number of aircraft on our database which have, as their operator Aeroflot - Russia Air Force

I am curious to know if this is in fact a genuine entity and not just a convenience for photographers who perhaps may be guessing at the operator. The serials of the military aircraft of the Russian Federation seem to contain a group of numbers, sometimes reinforced by a colour, eg. 01 BLUE, where the Aeroflot seem to have the old style CCCP prefix or RA prefixes but so does the entries for Aeroflot - Russia Air Force. (There are also leased aircraft with VP prefixes.)

I also note that some military aircraft also seem to use the RF prefix and those can not be all civil registered.

So what is the difference between Aeroflot - Russia Air Force and the Russia - Air Force?

I am tempted to draw a line and say if the aircraft does not carry the famous Red Star roundel, then it is operated by Aeroflot or Russia - Government but that may not be the correct choice.

Can anyone help me make an informed decision?

To cite an example


It may say Aeroflot on the tin but this is no ordinary Ilyushin. Perhaps a demonstrator or a development model.

Incidentally there is a fantastic web site that seems to specialise in the aircraft of the Russian Federation

Wallace Shackleton 

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Joined in February 2007
Posts: 1897
Posted 2 May 2012 - 11:24 CET

Literally stunned by the response I have invoked the "What it says on the tin policy" and changed any aircraft that had the word Aeroflot on the fuselage to Aeroflot and anything else was reassigned to Russia - Air Force, with one exception.

The entry for Aeroflot- Russia - Air Force has been deleted.

Artyom Anikeev - AviaPressPhoto 

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Posts: 3
Posted 4 May 2012 - 22:06 CET


Sorry I'm late...

But You have made right choice! All planes in old Aeroflot's livery with titles (not preserved) are belong to Russian Air Force. Just be accurate with date! For example this one is not an Aeroflot. It's Air Force. But this is hard to recognize if you are not russain:)

Also all Il-18s in Aeroflot c/s belong to Air Force.

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