Transavia Boeing 737-800 OY-TDB
Matthias Heuvelman
Jarod Fleming
Jeffrey Schäfer
Emanuel Linert
Daniel Frischbier
Image ID: 88953
Views: 5771
Operator: Transavia - OY-TDB
Aircraft: Boeing - 737-800
Airport: International - In Flight - International
Category: Main database
Photo taken on 2010-5- by JPC van Heijst [Contact]
EXIF information is not available.
Photographer's remark
(17.5.2010, 16:38 CET)
Flying at the top of our performance. As you can see on the speed-tape we are in the 'coffin corner'; our maximum and minimum speed are almost equal and there is little margin for speedvariation.
Also, the stickshaker indicator (yellow 'brushes') are displayed in those conditions.
1 CalumM
(19 May 2010 - 21:44 CET)
Very interesting. Hope you don't mind if I ask some questions. I'm trying to study my
ATPL theory just now. What is showing as armed in the top right? Is that a speed mode? Is
it correct that the green means modes are active? And are the yellow brushes you refer to
the eyebrow symbols on the attitude indicator part of the display? Would that show the max
pitch angle you could use to get the maximum load factor without danger of stalling? Also
what does H stand for at the bottom? Is it heading? And, is the magenta bug anything to do
with the LNAV mode? I don't understand why the autopilot is turning away from it. Thanks!
2 Rick Ingham
(20 May 2010 - 14:02 CET)
Hope you don't mind me adding my bit here. I believe the 'ARM' is autopilot armed with
'LNAV' and 'ALT HOLD' functions of the autopilot. I believe the 'H' stands for
heading and the magenta bug is the heading you have inputted into the computer.
Not a
pilot or anything but had a few hours in a C-130J sim and I asked the same questions to
the instructor. Hope i'm not too wrong!
3 JPC van Heijst
(31 May 2010 - 23:59 CET)
Hi CalumM,
The topright shows the AutoThrottle mode. In this case it is 'ARM'. It
means that you can manually adjust the throttles with no input from the Autothrottle
The green modes show 'active' modes; LNAV means the Autopilot is flying the
aircraft according to the programmed FMC route and ALT HOLD means the aircraft is
maintaining the altitude as displayed on the MCP (or autopilot control panel).
magenta number and 'H' on the bottom shows the position of the headingbug, but since the
aircraft is flying in LNAV this has no influence on the autopilot or aircraft.
You are
correct about the yellow brushes by the way :)
You are correct about the
yellow brushes
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