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7Reels Casino

Status: Member
Location: Ottawa
Country: Australia 
Member since: February 2021
Photos in database: 0

In principle, against the background of the rest of the variety, nothing unusual it would seem at first glance. The interface and everything is there, the navigation works, I am not interested in anything else, I thought. But as it turned out it is not all, very nice bonuses for both experienced players and for beginners. This is a very good support team I have never had such a great customer service before. Accepted a minimum deposit of 100 and the same amount can be withdrawn. This suits me personally, because the state of my account - both real and virtual - is different, while the hope of winning never slumbers. True, it is when there are balances in the account and I reduce the bets begin to fall out the right symbols. If interrupted, and then replenish the account, it will be a failure in full. So, if there is an opportunity, I replenish it before the game starts, and if not - I bite my elbows and build up the bank on penny bets. Withdrawal tries, seems to be no problem, just small amounts up to 500₽, the larger ones have not happened. So I can not say with 100% certainty that they give everything without delay.

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