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Sven Zimmermann

Status: Member
Location: Land of milk, chocolate and honey
Country: Switzerland 
Website: https://flytogrimmi.blogspot.com
Member since: February 2012
Photos in database: 70
Photo views: 95897

Fascinated by the US/Sowjet and French Aviation Industrie since childhood I already taken my round around the globe for some really interesting visits. A lot to do a 2nd time with the time-machine in the future, with the actual photography equipment ;)

Early publishing of aircraft pictures and schedules of the Swiss Air Force with the then really new thing called internet - Cape Canaveral-Section of geocities.com for those who remember - since March 24th, 1998. Many years one of the most viewed sites about the Swiss Air Force, found via fly.to/Grimmi and beam.to/Grimmi.

Specialised in finding new places high up in the mountains for taking some really hot shots of aircrafts under my feet, some where public magnets nowadays and others I keep a secret even today. Visited some of the Swiss Air Forces mountain caverns in civil and military duty, in the latter I worked in Air Defence units and the survival training for the Swiss Air Force crews.

In the second half of my lifespan I try to digitalise my analog films and dia's, upload them to the site for those interested in historic pictures where you had to pay for every click. And due the lack of interesting events I use a big part of my free time to catch animals in there natural habit. But that's another story ;)

Publications/Clients: International and national publications in russian, german, french and english - COCKPIT, Aerorevue and Revue Militaire Suisse are the main part
Cameras: Nowaday's chips are the same in each brand - I'm actually with black and yellow boxes and lenses

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