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Moved from News to Standard??


Joined in June 2014
Posts: 65
Posted 19 August 2018 - 09:15 CET

Hi, for some reason photoid 1099181 (link: was moved from the news queue to the standard queue, even though it was the end of a first flight? I do not understand why this was done.


Joined in June 2014
Posts: 65
Posted 20 August 2018 - 08:57 CET

Still have not received an explanation. I’ve had several (IIRC ~20-25) images of first flights of s particular aircraft qualify as news, now all of a sudden we’ve changed the rules? Also states that a new aircraft for airline is news, so why would that not apply either? Very confused at this sudden rule change.

Michael Carbery 

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Posted 20 August 2018 - 19:56 CET

As I said in the explanation you did read and replied to, if the news guidelines aren't clear then they will be modified to prevent any misunderstandings in the future. However I'd love to find someone else who thinks that the first flight of say the 4981st 737-800 produced is news worthy.


Joined in June 2014
Posts: 65
Posted 20 August 2018 - 20:02 CET

I suggest sir, with all due respect, you look at your own site. Because prior to yesterday, first flights WERE uploaded AND accepted as news, not only uploaded by me but by others. If they're not, then they're not. But enforce your "rules" if that's the case. I've had 20+ first flights accepted as news. So this rule change is news to me. Please do rewrite the rules, because it is incredibly unclear. It seems as though this site is incredibly resistant to questioning the ambiguous rules and hates any amount of even slight criticism. Starting to feel like a club of people who feel as though they are elitist. As for the snarky comment at the end, plenty of other sites at least give a priority to new there's that. And that is a fact, and a rule that is consistent. Have a great day.


Joined in July 2016
Posts: 139
Posted 20 August 2018 - 21:02 CET

Preston. Boeing produces 40+ new 737 models per month plus all their other aircraft. The front news page would be solid Boeing first flights if you uploaded them all. A first flight for the very first 737-800 MAX would work as news for sure or a first MAX for an airline...but not EVERY new MAX jet. Jetphotos gives priority screening to new reg uploads but no front page or news status I believe so there is always that option. With their Flightradar24 hook up I am sure they would love to take photos of all first flights or new jets for their Radar following and commercial clients. Just my 2 cents.


Joined in June 2014
Posts: 65
Posted 20 August 2018 - 21:26 CET

That’s a fair point. My frustration is that it was never an issue till yesterday, hence why the confusion with rules that selectively apply. A gentleman from PAE had his first flight images as news as well. As I said, I’ve had 20+ uploaded as news, and now all of a sudden it’s not acceptable? That makes no sense. If it’s a rule, then enforce it. Airliners, jetphotos, planespotters, etc all have some kind of priority for new regs. If new regs go into the regular queue, while every other site at least affords priority if not more, wouldn’t that be bad for this site?

Karol Trojanowski 

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Posted 20 August 2018 - 22:03 CET

well, we assumed that not everything has to be written down on a paper and our members have some feeling, or intuition what really is interesting and newsworthy, and what is not. As Michael and Jetzguy said before, it could be put under discussion if your photo is really newsworthy or not... and so 20+ other photos of yours which you've mentioned Preston. I don't remember each of them, but I also wondered, during news' publication, if I should put your photos on front page or not. Well, okay - it's newsworthy, strictly according to news guidance, but ask yourself - if we had a member from Hamburg, which is one of Airbus' facilities, and he constantly uploaded "news" shots from many A320s first/delivery flights, would that be newsworthy for you? And should I publish all of them on the main page? Okay, one, two, three of them. But not sure, if all.

I don't want to speak about that particular photo, because I haven't seen it and it seems to be deleted, but it's my personal opinion in general. You're lucky to live near Boeing facility and you should make use of it to deliver shots of rare airlines, special paintings etc. That is what definitely can be qualified as a news. Also first aircraft of particular type for an airline, and so on. I hope you'll understand our point.


Joined in June 2014
Posts: 65
Posted 21 August 2018 - 21:04 CET

The particular photo in question was rejected for contrast and noise, which I guess I had no place uploading a shot in poor weather conditions like that in the first place. I do halfway agree with the rejection (noise but not contrast, although that is entirely besides the point.) I still maintain that new registrations/first flights should be given some sort of priority over a run of the mill shot. Front page, yes, if its noteworthy enough. There is a lot of ambiguity in the rules, which creates confusion. I do attempt to get as many rare airlines, one off deliveries or schemes as possible. I feel like test flight photos aren't really valued at all here, and so perhaps I should take that segment of what I do elsewhere.

Kuba Balcerski 

Joined in January 2016
Posts: 39
Posted 21 August 2018 - 21:40 CET

I'm with Karol and Michael on this. After all AP in the first place was always about quality pictures (creative ones, just like the slogan says) and not about being a planespotter's database of all that's "important". Posting each and every first flight of a new reg is quite pointless and would just create spam over the news section. You'll understand the point if you compare the number of "newsworthy" aviation events throughout the world on a daily basis and the number of new Boeing planes made at the same period.

First and foremost, each and every screeners decision is made upon their own discretion and it should be respected, no matter if you agree with it or not. Now give those guys (and their keyboards) a little break and just happily post new pictures ;)

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